The conference, “1988 Massacre in Iran, perpetrators must be TRIED”

Litigation for the 1988 Massacre Political Prisoners. Trial of Perpetrators of Massacre.
Iran’s regime executed some 30,000 political prisoners in the 1988 Massacre. We will urge the world community to hold the perpetrators accountable.
At the Call-for-Justice for #1988Massacre Conference demanding prosecution of its perpetrators and masterminds at an international court – Ashraf 3.
The massacre of political prisoners was a blood-drenched encounter between the Middle Ages and a generation which created the 1979 revolution, a generation resolved to achieve a society based on freedom & equality, but encountered the monster of religious fascism.
The 1988 Massacre was the horrifying scene of such historic confrontation, but it was not the end. It was the beginning of a new confrontation which still continues and will write the fate of the Iranian nation in freedom.

You can see the conference at the links below:
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