You think so that a top UN official cries foul!

A top U.N. expert is taking aim at the Trump administration’s efforts to tighten the screws on Iran’s theocratic regime, saying that U.S. sanctions are “illegitimate” and are driving Iranians into poverty.

First of all, I must thank my colleague and my brother Heshmat Alavi for his unique work in collecting information about this person who helped me with this article. this article published in Herald Report under this title:"A Call for Western Politicians and UN officials to Stop Supporting Iran’s Genocidal Regime "

Fox News in a report by wrote: A top U.N. expert is taking aim at the Trump administration’s efforts to tighten the screws on Iran’s theocratic regime, saying that U.S. sanctions are “illegitimate” and are driving Iranians into poverty.

Wait a minute! what he said? 

continue on fox article: 

"The Trump administration has been criticized by members of both the U.N. and E.U. leaders for its decision this month to reimpose sanctions of the Islamic regime. The sanctions targeted Iran’s financial, automotive and precious metals industries and will also target its oil and banking system in November. "

"A senior administration official told Fox News this month that the restored sanctions are designed to constrict the revenue Iran uses to fund “terrorists, dictators, proxy militias, and the regime’s own cronies.” 

Idriss Jazairy a former Algerian ambassador who was appointed by the controversial U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC) as the special rapporteur “on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights,” chose to direct his criticism at the U.S.

But U.S. sanctions laws provide similar allowances for sales of food, agricultural commodities, medicine, and medical devices to Iran by non-U.S. persons! 

Jazairy won't tell you that Iran spends billions on weapons programs & terrorism, while the Iranian people are suffering & chanting:

"Not Gaza, Not Lebanon"
"Forget Syria, think about us"
If you, Jazairy, have a time after count your income of the Mullah's money, read these sentences that come below:

Iran spends billions on weapons programs, terrorism while ignoring Iranians' basic needs, a report finds

 Report details Iran missile activity since the nuclear deal

you close your eyes on everything or bloody Mullah's money closed your eyes?
Iranian people right now are in poverty and Mullahs stolen Iranian people money for pay to somebody like you for dirty words like these fake word.

Did the Algerian people fight for freedom for years that people like you come and have compassion for the big bloody dictatorship?

I have to emphasize here that Jazairy will not tell you that the Iranian people are suffering because they are ruled by a corrupt regime that very easily says "$ 9 billion of government currency has gone missing ..."?

Mr. Jazairy, I think you can read  Persian words because you are the defender of Mullahs, please read this:

50 million Iranians are below the poverty line

Mr. Jazairy, my people under rules Mullahs go on the corner of real hell on earth, but they rise now  and say the game is over, for all of Mullahs and like  you 
This year  is Mullah's regime overthrow  to Iranian people hands 
If you and All appeasement like Federica Mogiriny stand behind this regime, you are too.

While Iran's regime will claim its inflation rate hovers around 10%, don't believe any of that.

Here's the true inflation rate reported by Prof. @steve_hanke.

Jazairy won't tell you that Iran spends hundreds of millions - if not billions - fueling the Houthis' destruction campaign in Yemen.

Of course, Jazairy won't tell you that Iran spends billions in Syria.

Iran Spends $16 Billion Annually to Support Terrorists and Rogue Regimes

 Iran Spends $16 Billion Annually to Support Terrorists and Rogue Regimes

On another hand, Jazairy won't tell you that Iran spends hundreds of millions supporting the terrorist Lebanese Hezbollah.
Iran pays Hezbollah $700 million a year, US official says

Mr, The mullahs have continued with impunity to violate human rights in Iran, crack down on public protests, launch terrorist operations, and wage catastrophic wars in the Middle East and other countries because somebody like you stands with them! The clerical regime’s reaction to dissent, even inside prisons under their own control, is a mass execution! 

I want to say to Mr. Idriss Jazairy how much taken of Mullahs? for this words! Like the time you entered with Russia about human rights report!!

Here's some background on Jazairy himself... a Geneva-based watchdog group took the floor to challenge the Special Rapporteur, former Algerian ambassador Idriss Jazairy, on the ethics of his receiving $50,000 from Russia last year for his mandate, as disclosed in a recent UN report."

Jazairy also rushed to the rescue of Sudan, describing the genocidal regime as a "human rights victim" ... 

Any legitimate protest or demonstration is repressed by the detention and torture of participants,

Someone must say to him: wake up man give back yours of this bloody dictatorship 

Iranian people very good know themselves the enemy

But what is true in Iran:

Mrs, Rajavi very clearly  described in her speech in 25Aug in Paris; she said:
the silence had enabled the clerical regime to carry on with its “crimes against humanity” in Iran.

“The mullahs have continued with impunity to violate human rights in Iran, crack down on public protests, launch terrorist operations, and wage catastrophic wars in the Middle East and other countries,” said Rajavi. “Now, the time has come to end this silence.”

What are you doing Mr. Idriss Jazairy with this evidence?

Mrs. Rajavi continues:"The time has come for the world community to stand by the people of Iran in their uprising against the religious fascist regime ruling Iran and recognize their determination for regime change. She urged the UN Security Council to prepare for the prosecution of the regime’s leaders, those responsible for the massacre and the officials in charge of four decades of repression and human rights abuses in Iran.

Maryam Rajavi, National Council of Resistance of Iran president, condemned Iranian authorities for ‘crimes against humanity’

“The clerical regime’s reaction to dissent, even inside prisons under their own control, is mass execution.

“Any legitimate protest or demonstration is repressed by detention and torture of participants.
“In the uprisings last December and January, what was the protesters’ demand and what did they do wrong to be tortured to death?
“The bodies of a number of them were handed over to their families, telling them that they had committed suicide while in detention.
“The regime commits the crime and yet blames the victims of torture and massacre as culprits and criminals.”

Rajavi said the regime’s spies should be expelled from western countries, their embassies closed and relations terminated with a regime that uses diplomatic resources to promote “state-sponsored terrorism”.

She said the People’s Mujahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK) was playing an increasingly important role in the organization of protests and resistance against the regime.

“The time has come for the world community to stand by the people of Iran in their uprising against the religious fascist regime ruling Iran and recognize their determination for regime change.

“The resistance units in Iran follow the footsteps of those men and women who said no to the regime and were massacred in 1988.

“The clerical regime is beleaguered by the eight-month-long uprisings, by the growing role of the PMOI and resistance units in organizing and leading the revolts, and by the consequences of a plummeting and drowning economy.”

These are the facts that exist in Iran, but I do not know why the eyes of Mr. Idriss Jazairy
 are blind to these facts.

“The reimposition of sanctions against Iran after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, which had been unanimously adopted by the Security Council with the support of the U.S. itself, lays bare the illegitimacy of this action,” he said in the statement published Wednesday

Mr. you want to open a way for the remainder of this regime on the rule? to continue his terror and ....? 

senator Graham  good answer for him :

Graham: We're going to bring the Iranian regime down

But also we can read in Fox report : "What has broken the backbone of the Iranian economy is the consequence of the policies of the Iranian regime and institutionalized corruption, which has nothing to do with the sanctions," Alireza Jafarzadeh, deputy director of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) told Fox News.
Alireza Jafarzadeh

Iranian analyst Heshmat Alavi meanwhile raised the question of Iran's actions in Syria and said that Iran is spending "billions" there.
"Jazairy also won't tell you that #Iran intends to spend even more on reconstructing #Syria, not providing for ordinary Iranians back home," he tweeted.

Behnam Ben Taleblu

Behnam Ben Taleblu a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) in Washington D.C, told Fox News that Jazairy’s views are out of touch with the Iranian people -- who are blaming their own government rather than the U.S.

“To paraphrase and borrow from the [Trump] administration, there is not a group that has suffered more at the hands of the regime in Tehran that the Iranian people. Iranian protesters, who chastise their own government and not the U.S. for their plight, rightly understand this.” He continued, “One only wishes that the U.N. system did too.”
Hillel Neuer, the executive director of the Swiss-based UN Watch -- an independent human rights monitoring group -- told Fox News that Iran was the country that sponsored the resolution on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement in 2014 that created the position that Jazairy now holds.

Hillel Neuer
Well, it turned out why Mr. Jazayeri was once a friend of the people of Iran once because he must give the mullahs' response to staying in the current position.

"The U.N. report 'makes the astounding claim that the Russian government of Vladimir Putin is a victim of human rights violations and that the perpetrators are the EU and the U.S.,' said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a non-governmental human rights group."

“That Jazairy serves as an expert of the UNHRC illustrates the moral corruption of the UNHRC, and underscores why U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley was absolutely right to call out the utter failure of the discredited council to reform itself.”

In a statement hypocritical, Jazairy’s comments come on the back of a statement from E.U. leaders, who said they “deeply regret” the U.S. decision to reimpose sanctions.
“The lifting of nuclear-related sanctions is an essential part of the deal,” E.U. High Representative Federica Mogherini, along with French, German and British foreign ministers, said in a joint statement, vowing to “protect European economic operators engaged in legitimate business with Iran.”
In his statement, Jazairy applauded the opposition from the E.U. writes in a merciless attempt to accompany the appeasement leaders in Europe, such as Federika Moghirini
“I am grateful for the efforts of the European Union in tackling this injustice, both through diplomatic efforts and through legislation to protect European companies from American sanctions. I sincerely hope that the international community can come together to see that the world does not become a battleground for generalized economic war,” he said.
I must say, no sir, the world will not engage in any military and economic war.
It is a crazy policy of appeasement, which has been shaking
Shame on you, with the names of grandiloquent, pursue your own despicable interests. The people of Iran will never forget their enemies and dictatorial accomplices, as well as those who helped and helped them in the black dictatorships.
It is good to have a little dignity, 


In finally
my brothre Heshmat Alavi in his conclusion that I agree with him said:

1. One day we may learn that Jazairy was paid by #Iran's regime to prepare such a report.

2. When @tparsi tweets or RTs something, beware & rest assured there's some #FakeNews in it.


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