The representative of Iran Regime’s Supreme Leader Calls for Takeover of the US Embassy in Iraq
On October 30, 2019, the state-run Keyhan daily, known as the Iranian government’s mouthpiece, called for the takeover of the United States Embassy in Baghdad.
Hossein Shariatmadari, editor and representative of the Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei in the Kayhan newspaper, in an editorial called for the takeover of the US Embassy by Iran-backed militias in Iraq known as “Hashd al Shaabi”.
Shariatmadari whose words reflect Khamenei’s opinions writes: “in previous note, by mentioning the takeover of US embassy in Iran, which Imam called it the “second revolution”, the issue was raised in the context of a question that why the Iraqi revolutionary youths … are not ending the presence of US embassy in Baghdad, which is the epicenter of conspiracy and espionage against the innocent people of Iraq!? And why are you not eliminating and throwing out this infected wound from your holy land? The takeover of the US espionage center in Islamic Iran and eliminating that epicenter of conspiracy had many benefits for us, and then why have the revolutionary youths of Iraq deprived their holy land of these benefits?”
Protesters Killed in Anti-#Iran Regime Demonstrations in #Iraq
Two protesters were killed and dozens injured in southern Iraq on Sunday, as protests over unemployment, a lack of basic services, and Iranian interference in... ncr-iran.org/en/news/iran-w …#IraqProtests #IranProtests
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One of the main demands of demonstrators in Iraq and Lebanon is the eviction of the Iranian regime and its proxy terrorist militias from their country. To divert the issue, Khamenei claimed that the protests were inspired by Washington and the Saudis.
Accordingly, in the editorial, Shariatmadari concluded that recent uprising in Iraq has been managed by the US embassy and Saudis, and the takeover of the US embassy in Baghdad is the first step to confront the uprising and called on Iran-backed militias in Iraq for the seizure of the Embassy.
What Shariatmadari refers to as “the benefits of the US embassy takeover” goes back to the situation of the regime in 1979. At the time the mullahs needed a major crisis in order to eliminate all the democratic forces in Iran and stabilize their position. By taking over the US embassy and taking 52 personnel of the embassy hostage for 444 days, the mullahs suppressed all the democratic forces and tried to establish a theoretical regime with the absolute rule of the mullahs.
The protests in Iraq and Lebanon threaten the Iranian regime’s regional influence at a time when it is struggling under crippling U.S. sanctions. Since one of the main demands of the demonstrators in Iraq is the eviction of the Iranian regime, its affiliated Shiite parties, and proxy terrorist militias from that country, the mullahs are terrified of their position in Iraq.
“During renewed protests this week, men in black plainclothes and masks stood in front of Iraqi soldiers, facing off with protesters and firing tear gas. Residents said they did not know who they were, with some speculating they were Iranians.” AP reported on October 30, 2019, adding: "Iran is afraid of these demonstrations because it has made the most gains in the government and parliament through parties close to it" since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, said Hisham al-Hashimi, an Iraqi security analyst. "Iran does not want to lose these gains. So it has tried to work through its parties to contain the protests in a very Iranian way."
In southern Iraq, protesters have attacked and torched the offices of political parties and government-backed militias allied with Iran.
"All the parties and factions are corrupt, and this is connected to Iran because it's using them to try to export its system of clerical rule to Iraq," said Ali al-Araqi, a 35-year-old protester from the southern town of Nasiriyah, which has seen especially violent clashes between protesters and security forces.
#Iranian Regime's Militias Deployed Snipers in #Iraq Protests - Reuters ncr-iran.org/en/news/terror …#IRGCOutOfIraq #IRGCTerrorists
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"The people are against this, and that is why you are seeing an uprising against Iran," he said.
Overnight Tuesday, masked men who appeared to be linked to Iraq's security forces opened fire on protesters in Karbala, a holy city associated with the martyrdom of one of the most revered figures in Shiite Islam. At least 18 protesters were killed and hundreds were wounded in bloodshed that could mark an ominous turning point in the demonstrations. In Baghdad, protesters burned an Iranian flag. Days earlier, protesters had gathered outside the Iranian Consulate in Karbala, chanting "Iran, out, out!" AP reported.
In such circumstances, the regime needs to resort to violence and to suppress the demonstrators by its militias and affiliated Shiite parties.
By raising the issue of the US embassy takeover in Baghdad, Khamenei is threatening the US and Western governments not to support the Iraqi people’s uprising and continue to support the Iran-backed Adel Abdul Mehdi government. In the other words, the US and Western governments are threatened to turn a blind eye to the crimes of security forces and militias so Iran’s regime and its affiliated government in Iraq could freely suppress the uprising
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