Iran spends over $16bn to support terrorism in the region, President Emmanuel Macron should rethink his efforts to save the deal

Iran spends over $16bn to support terrorism in the region, 

President Emmanuel Macron should rethink 

his efforts to save the deal

After the late Francois Mitterrand, you are the first French leader to stand against the Mullahs 

All the world to want resolve against the mullahs

But Europe has poisoned the venom of appeasement authorities

Business firms are like "good-natured snakes" that only inject poison policy.
Do not listen to the reality on the ground
A falling regime is multiplied everywhere. Believe it is only encouraging it to be attacked with a concession.
Like a snake crushed by cold, it will rejuvenate with the first heat, and first of all, it will bite you.
Image result for Iran spends over $16bn to support terrorism
By Bahar Mehr,
my article first published in The Herald Report

TheState Department revealed in a report thathas spent over $16 billion in just eight years to supportin Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

US Secretary of State Michaelposted a link to the report on his official Twitter account, stating, “While the Iranian people struggle, Iran's outlaw regime has wasted over $16 billion since 2012 propping up Assad and proxies in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen.”
The report, prepared by theAction Group at the State Department, confirmed that Iran’s regime, through its elite Quds Force, transferred these funds to the militias and terrorist groups fighting on its behalf in the countries of the region.

The report details the destructive behavior of the Iranian regime through itsprogram, funding, and support of terrorism, circumventing maritime and security sanctions,violations and environmental damage.

It also pointed to Iran’s continued harboring ofmembers, enabling the organization to transfer fighters and funds toand areas in South Asia.

Yahya Rahim Safavi, a senior military adviser to Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said his country has been trying to compensate for these losses through oil, gas and phosphate revenues in Syria. 

France just learned that US President Donaldhad a point when he warned that the 2015nuclear deal “didn’t bring calm, it didn’t bring peace and it never will,” the New York Post said 
Paris this week publicly accused Tehran of plotting to bomb an Iranian opposition group’s rally near the French capital in June. As a first sanction, the French government froze assets belonging to two suspected Iranian intelligence operatives and to officials in Iran’s spy ministry.

Two Belgian nationals of Iranian origin were caught with explosives and a trigger device in the foiled plot to terrorize the June 30 rally against the Iranian regime, at which 25,000 people showed. An Iranian diplomat was arrested soon after.

Now Paris is certain the planning went all the way to Tehran. A plot of “such extreme seriousness on French territory could not be let go without a response,” France’s ministers of foreign affairs, interior and finance said in a joint statement.

A spokesman for Tehran’s foreign ministry calls it a nefarious effort “aimed at spoiling the good and developing relations betweenand Europe.”

Well, yes:and other European powers have been trying to end-run US sanctions on Tehran afterpulled America out of the nuke deal. Yet Iran was still willing to sponsor terror on French soil.
Maybe President Emmanuel Macron should rethink his efforts to save the deal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out recently that Iran has enriched 3 tons of uranium to 3.5 percent, doubled its stockpile of 20 percent enriched uranium, added thousands of new centrifuges (including advanced ones) and continued work on the heavy water reactor at Arak. Since Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s election, “this vast and feverish effort has continued unabated,” Netanyahu said.

Any increase in Iran’s nuclear activities under Rouhani should come as no surprise. He used to be Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator during the presidency of hard-liner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and in his book published in 2011, Rouhani boasted about his role in deluding the West. 
“While we were talking to the Europeans in Tehran, we were installing equipment in Isfahan,” he wrote. “By creating a calm environment, we were able to complete the (nuclear) work in Isfahan.”

History appears to be repeating itself as the international community continues to disregard reports about Iran’s clandestine nuclear activities.

More than a decade ago, the opposition National Council for Resistance of Iran (NCRI) revealed that Tehran was conducting secret nuclear activities at two major sites, Natanz and Arak. Yet initially, the revelation was not taken seriously by the international community or relevant organizations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

It revealed several developments, including the fact that Iran has been seeking to weaponize its nuclear program for a long time. In one of the documents, an Iranian scientist writes: “The (nuclear) work would be divided into two: Covert and overt.” Since the signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the Iran nuclear deal, it seems that Tehran has not halted its nuclear activities.

Besides the revelations by Israeli intelligence, critical information about Iran’s nuclear activities was also recently disclosed by the NCRI, whose report states: “Reliable information shows that the ‘nerve center’ of the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons project, responsible for designing the bomb, has been continuing its work. Following the nuclear deal reached in 2015, not only has the unit remained in place and its activities have not subsided, but it is now clear that in some fields its activities have even expanded.”

Such illegal activities are most likely carried out in Iran’s military bases, such as the Parchin military complex southeast of Tehran. Interestingly, during the nuclear negotiations, Iranian leaders succeeded in persuading the Obama administration, Germany, the UK, and France to exclude Parchin from IAEA inspection.
Other intelligence agencies have also detected Iran’s nuclear defiance. For example, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, revealed in its annual report that Tehran has pursued a “clandestine” path to obtain illicit nuclear technology and equipment from German companies “at what is, even by international standards, a quantitatively high level.”

It is intriguing that despite all these intelligence reports, several European countries are still appeasing Iran and ensuring that it enjoys trade and sanctions relief. The EU should know that this is not the first time Tehran has been caught advancing its nuclear program in violation of international rules.

The Trump administration put Iran on notice that any new deal would require it to stop enriching all uranium and halt its support for militant groups in the region, sweeping demands that Tehran swiftly rejected.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spelled out 12 requirements for a new agreement with Tehran that would require a wholesale change in Iran’s military posture in the Middle East.

I think the international community and the IAEA must conduct more comprehensive inspections of Iran’s nuclear program. Its military bases that are reportedly linked to the program, such as Parchin, should be monitored and inspected regularly. The IAEA should also investigate the leading scientists and researchers linked to the program.

If you remember nearly three decades after that, Iran’s antagonism toward the Arab nations again came to the fore when it signed the landmark 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal with the P5+1 states (the US, Russia, China, France, the UK, and Germany). Theexpressed grave reservations about empowering Iran and repeatedly warned of the deal’s repercussions for the region. These reservations and warnings were disregarded.

Post-JCPOA, the Iranian regime grew increasingly confident in its ability to shape and control events across the region, with the Obama administration and the other P5+1 states failing to curb its missile program, military expansionism and its use of sectarian militias. This led to further tensions with the Gulf states. Tehran believed that support from the P5+1 was enough to force theinto accepting its actions, and they would have no choice but to improve their relationship with it and accept its regional aggression.

What should be mentioned to Mr. Macron is: "From the snake boa, never will a pigeon be created"
Mr. Macron, if you are not determined to be mullahs, you will never see peace in Europe. The mullahs will soon put their bite in your body, do you want to continue to appease with the Mullahs regime?
You said it was not clear who is behind the terrorist attack?
I tell you after you and your government announced that the Ministry of Intelligence was the mullahs behind this conspiracy !! Is not this a step back? Is not this surrender to the mullahs' terrorism as a burden? 
After the late Francois Mitterrand, you are the first French leader to stand against the Mullahs

Do not let history depict you bad, look at the fate of the politicians who have cooperated with the mullahs in your country, each of which was rejected by some kind of community.
The French youth have voted for you to make a change in France and its appeasers, and I respect them for this opinion.

Business firms are like "good-natured snakes" that only inject poison policy.
Do not listen to the reality on the ground
A falling regime is multiplied everywhere. Believe it is only encouraging it to be attacked with a concession.
Like a snake crushed by cold, it will rejuvenate with the first heat, and first of all, it will bite you.

All the world to want resolve against the mullahs but Europe has poisoned the venom of appeasement authorities.

This regime is not credible even among its partner countries

This is an important point to consider, otherwise, we will be back in time


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