The Iranian Regime Supports State Terrorism in the World, with Numerous Proxy Forces

My article first published in The Herald Report
The US State Department website, September 19, 2018, issued a report from the Briefing Coordinator on Combating Terrorism, the ministry released a report on the state of terrorism in countries last year.
Ambassador Nathan Sales, about the importance of this annual report, said: “The state report on terrorism is an important document that shows the US government’s assessment of recent trends in the fight against terrorism and some of the efforts that we and our partners have been doing to deal with groups such as ISIL, al-Qaeda, and other such threats that Iran is behind including several terrorist groups that fight in the global arena. ”
Focusing on 95% of terrorist attacks in five countries
Ambassador Siles continued: “While many countries between 2016 and 2017 witnessed a decline in terrorist violence, this overall trend was mainly due to the significantly lower number of attacks and deaths in Iraq.
Despite the terrorist attacks that took place in 2017 in 100 countries, they were geographically concentrated. 95% of all attacks occurred in five countries. Those countries are Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Pakistan, and the Philippines. As a result, 70% of all deaths were caused by terrorist attacks in five countries, and those countries are Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia, and Syria. ”
Actually, this is just the tip of the of the iceberg in regards to the terror of the mullahs regime; Iran and Syria, Hezbollah’s foreign sponsors, may hold the key to resolving the violence in Lebanon, or they may play a part in the escalation of the conflict. Syria has received the lion’s share of international attention, but Tehran’s role in supporting Hezbollah and other terrorist groups is also crucial. Even though Iran is hundreds of miles away from Lebanon, it helped nurture Hezbollah in its early years and even today exercises considerable ideological and operational influence. The Lebanese terrorist organization is the most deadly creation of the clerical regime in Tehran, but it is only one of the many groups that Iran supports.
After the 1979 Islamic revolution, Tehran used a wide range of terrorist organizations to export its revolution and to assassinate Iranian dissidents around the globe. Tehran played a major role in forming Hezbollah and helping it conduct attacks in Lebanon, including such devastating strikes as the 1983 bombings of the U.S. Marine barracks and embassy, which together killed more than 300 people.
Indeed, before 9/11, Hezbollah had killed more Americans than any other international terrorist organization. Iranian-backed groups also regularly attacked dissidents in Europe, countries that backed Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war, and the governments of pro-Western Arab states. Twelve years ago, on June 26, 1996, Iranian-backed terrorists exploded a massive truck bomb outside the Khobar Towers military housing project in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 Americans and one Saudi and wounding almost 400.

Ambassador Nathan Sales, in the case of countries with terrorism, said: “Iran remains the chief state sponsor of terrorism in the world and using proxies and numerous other tools such as Hezbollah and the Qods Force Iranian Revolutionary Guards Islamic Revolution in charge of aggravated several wars and the weakening of America’s interests Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Afghanistan, and Lebanon. Threats created by Iranian support for terrorism are not limited to the Middle East; these threats are truly global.”
Relationships with terrorist and militant groups are integral to Iran’s foreign policy. The clerical regime in Tehran sponsors a range of organizations in the Middle East and maintains the capacity to conduct international terrorism outside the region. Iran’s terrorism and destabilization efforts are primarily a threat to U.S. interests and allies in the Middle East: Tehran’s activities worsen civil wars and contribute to the destabilization of the region. Iran does not appear to be actively targeting the U.S. homeland with terrorism, but its capacity remains latent. Tehran uses its ability to strike U.S. assets outside war zones to deter the United States and as a contingency should the United States attack Iran.
Support for militant and terrorist groups in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and elsewhere benefits Iran in several ways. It enables Tehran to shore up key allies like the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Asad. It also gives Iran leverage against regional rivals like Saudi Arabia. Ties to militant groups strengthen pro-Iran voices in the region, increasing Iran’s influence in some capitals and in the more remote hinterlands of several countries. Finally, the threat of Iranian terrorism against otherwise stable countries is a factor these countries must consider if they choose to confront Tehran.
Iran has supported terrorist and militant groups in the Islamic world since the 1979 revolution. In his 2016 testimony, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper warned: “Iran—the foremost state sponsor of terrorism—continues to exert its influence in regional crises in the Middle East through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps—Qods Force (IRGC-QF), its terrorist partner Lebanese Hizballah, and proxy groups” – an assessment that has stayed roughly constant for many years.
Iran has long sought to “try hard to export our revolution to the world,” in the words of Ayatollah Khomeini, the clerical regime’s dominant revolutionary leader. This goal is embedded in Iran’s constitution and in the missions of organizations such as the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a military and paramilitary organization that oversees Iran’s relationships with many substate groups.
Ambassador Nathan Sales add: “Hezbollah has just launched a successful attack in Bulgaria in 2012, killing six, Hezbollah has launched two separate conspiracies in Cyprus, and has built large warehouses of military equipment and explosives in Kuwait, Nigeria and Bolivia, yet Terrorist agents have been sent to Peru and Thailand. ”
So, Tehran’s closest militant ally is the Lebanese Hizballah, perhaps the most capable terrorist group in the world. Iran helped create Hizballah in the early 1980s, and in subsequent decades has armed, trained, and otherwise nurtured it. This assistance is massive: Iran regularly gave Hizballah over $100 million a year, and in many years the figure is significantly higher. Iran’s military aid includes relatively advanced weaponry, such as anti-tank and anti-ship cruise missiles, as well as thousands of rockets and artillery systems. Hizballah has emerged as a key bulwark of the Syrian regime, and Hizballah operatives work with Iran globally to prepare and conduct terrorist attacks.
One fact is that the Iranian regime acts like a mafia of course, in terrible and unbelievable plain language, They do not shy away from anything to achieve their own goals.
In this way, they create complex financial networks to provide their subsidiaries with money and weapons and equipment.
You will be faced with a simple search on the Internet with its wide dimensions
For example:
Using Bitcoin to Avoid Risks
The involvement of other countries in the region, particularly those of the Persian Gulf, played a central role in the terror arena in recent years. Those countries constitute an important pillar in the financing of terror in the region, whether indirectly, by turning a blind eye to financial transgressions of private entities in the country, or by paying ransom for the release of abducted citizens.
Sometimes, as happened recently, the funding streams intersect – and the boundaries between aid money that flows to terror organizations from particular countries and ransom payments are blurred almost entirely. As part of the condition of the ransom transaction for the release of 26 members of the Qatari royal family who were abducted in Iraq by a local Shiite militia, supported by Iran, Qatar was “forced” to pay an imaginary ransom which, according to an exposé by the Financial Times was around a billion dollars. The unprecedented payment that financed some of the deadliest terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq (and Iran itself), was seen by many as direct support of terror by the provocative princedom of oil and led to the famous boycott imposed by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Bahrain.
And in addition to “traditional” means of funding, terrorist organizations are always perfecting their ways of raising and transferring capital from a variety of funding sources, through use of any technological means at their disposal. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the FBI had exposed an international network run by ISIS that used fake eBay and PayPal accounts to transfer funds to operatives in the US. For some time now Google and Youtube have become the preferred platform of terror organizations for sharing propaganda videos which, thanks to their popularity, has granted them not just exposure and penetration into new audiences, but also generous royalties from advertisers. Sometimes the terrorist groups use the most advanced methods, such as the money transfer system built by IS that uses cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin in order to avoid traditional bank transfers and accompanying risk.
The rapid growth in recent years of trade in virtual currencies, which uses an alternative global financial system and is characterized by user anonymity, grants terror factions many new and secure possibilities for raising, laundering and transferring money – as proven by the arrest of the 27 year-old Long Island woman, who has been accused of stealing and laundering more than $85,000, using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, to support ISIS.
“Things have changed considerably in our century”, argues Joseph Fitsanakis PhD., a global expert in intelligence and national security from Coastal Carolina University. “It can be argued that the rise in the value of many cryptocurrencies generates income for terrorist organizations— but more a method of circulating currency and providing services that generate funds. With the use of cryptocurrencies and the so-called Darknet, terrorist organizations are now able to engage in creative means of generating cash. They include the sale of pirated music, movies, and video-games, counterfeit products, including clothing, electronics, pharmaceutical products and even counterfeit tickets to high-profile sports events and music concerts. Those who buy those products often pay for them using cryptocurrencies, primarily through the Darknet”.
But if we look at the ambassador’s report, the centralized regime is now a serious threat to its own government. The regime uses all the terrorist means to strike at this threat, including diplomatic facilities, even at the expense of his diplomats being arrested.
Notice to another part of the ambassador’s report:
Ambassador Nathan Sales Says about the Iranian government’s terrorist plot against the grand congress of the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the PMOI, which was attended by hundreds of American and European political figures in the Villepinte Paris. “On June 30 this year, the German authorities granted an Iranian official for his role. Arrested in a terror plot for a bombing in a political gathering in Paris. The authorities in Belgium and France also arrested the Iranian-backed terrorists. ”

That there is a serious question is this: did the mullahs’ regime from power and potential threats or not this act of weakness and helplessness highly political and strategic?
In my view after the come up a new government in the United States and the expulsion of people with rounded appearances with the regime of Iran and other similar states and the United States left the nuclear contract and the sanctions came back. The Mullahs regime should do this because it is at the height of weakness and pressure
But we must draw the conclusions from the ambassador’s report and the facts on the ground
First, the insurrection of the Iranian people against this regime has shaken its wrists
Secondly, these uprisings and their continuation out of the wave after the wave of control from the mullahs, although they are struggling
Thirdly, the economic situation after the turn-off of the nuclear deal by the United States is such that the regime is in a dead end.
Fourth, the presence of a powerful alternative with the organization and leadership and the ability to manage the government through this alternative further confirms the political unpredictability of this regime.
Well, any impartial observer sees this condition. Naturally, the reaction and terrorist attempts of this regime are understandable to him.
One final point:
This regime, as long as it exists, will do everything to keep it and stay in power, and this is due to the facts.
The facts beyond the considerations
These considerations make it clear that in the next month, you will not receive a three-way regimen train:
1 The Security Council session on the regime led by Donald Tramp (September 25th)
2 FATF Ultimatum Ends to the Regime (October 1)
3 Return of the second stage of sanctions (oil and banking) (November 4th)
Now you have to consider the main point in order to arrive at the correct conclusion that the fatherly regime is terrorism, for it needs a crisis to save itself.
The important fact: Uprising
All these considerations, of course, are of a different quality during the “uprising”:
It should be acknowledged that the regime’s train is moving at a deadly moment, a path that is not correct with a change of “line” and “need for change”, the fact that Khamenei needs a change of strategy and a change of politics for survival,
Of course, this “necessary need” to meet or not to the mullahs, because people were ready to stand behind on their feet to take them away at any moment and destroy them with an uprising! No difference.
And that’s why they want to eliminate the “face of the matter” with the terrorist acts at all costs.
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