The mullahs final stalemate despite Khamenei's denial

An expert on Iran’s affairs on the sidelines of a meeting on increasing protests in Iran and the impact of US sanctions at the Hudson Institute meeting held in Washington, DC on August 15, 2018, “Several high-ranking members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards may be separated from the military system,” he said, referring to some reports.

Image result for stalemate

We have recently witnessed store owners in Tehran’s shoe market go on strike for two days, despite authorities dispatching security units to prevent anyone from closing their shops. Prior to that, the textile market closed stores protesting skyrocketing prices and lack of raw material.

Khamenei came to the scene on August 13 after long silence and spoke about various issues of the uprising, called the events of July and August, the free fall of the value of the national currency, the great corruption, and embezzlement that poured into the pocket of looters and corruptors for a short time, and He spoke of the pressure on the people and so on.

But despite these confessions, he argued that the regime had no stalemate, and that the problems were solved, and whoever said that the regime was deadlocked or ignorant or treacherous.
Ali Khamenei said, “The enemy wants to force the country to suffer from the impasse. My point is: I say there is no deadlock in the country; there is no deadlock in this economic area. It is not that it is not the solution; no, the problems of the country, the problems of the economy, known, solutions are well known. Those who need to do things should try God willing. ”

Actually, Khamenei just says lies for hiding this fact that: “the protests of the people and the failure of the atomic agreement have led to disagreements between the senior leadership and the middle class of the mullahs regime.”

Meanwhile, Michael Pregent, a senior member of the Hudson Institute, said:

“I have heard that several of the senior Revolutionary Guards commanders of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have stepped down from their positions and have left the country with their assets, but I can not find secondary sources for this news. “We have a lack of information about the authorities of the Revolutionary Guards and those who left it.”

Michael Pregent in hearing 

Michael Pregent added:  “If we see such segregation, then that will be a very important issue. Right now, what we know is that the officers of the middle classes of the Quds Force were upset by Khamenei’s reluctance to the United States during the course of the Iranian atomic agreement, known as the “Joint comprehensive plan. We know there are tensions between the senior leadership cadre and the middle-class leaders.”

But as a political observer, the events should be looked at properly.

What’s going on in Iran

In a shortly and quickly look:

  • Iran’s currency has lost more than half its value over the past eight months.
  • The protests of the Iranian people have been steadily rising since last winter
  • On the other hand, the Iranian economy is rapidly deteriorating, especially after the US announced its withdrawal from the nuclear deal.
  • The financial sanctions imposed on the Iranian regime this week, as well as the sanctions imposed on the oil industry on November 6, have raised concerns about the economic situation.
  • In the wake of the popular protests and the intensification of the economic crisis, Hassan Rouhani, in response to the question of “parliamentarians of this regime,” is expected to present a report on his government’s plan to deal with this state of emergency.
Michael Pregent about the possibility of changing the policy of the Iranian regime and reducing the demands of the protesting people said: “but, it’s too late now, to bring back the money paid in foreign and security policies and allocate these funds to the people to address domestic problems, according to the demands of the protesters. this should have been done two years ago.”

The extent of the regime's resilience to the growing protests

Experts based in the United States at the Hudson Institute, which examined the extent of the possible resilience of the Iranian regime, say that the challenges facing the Iranian regime may soon face the leaders of this regime with deeper difficulties, including the possible segregation of the Iranian security forces.
Behnam Ben Taleblu, a member of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington, commented: "While the budget [of Iran] is decreasing and Iran's ability to pay its security forces is less and less, as well as considering Whether sanctions have targeted most of Iran's economy, the question now is whether the regime will rely on its security forces to defend itself against growing protests? "

Related image
Behnam Ben Tleblu with C-SPAN TV

"It's a hypothetical question, but when heavy sanctions are imposed in November 2018 and target Iran's revenues in 2019, the researcher continued.
At that time, this question will become a practical and empirical question.
He also suggested that the US government extend its sanctions against Iran's security forces to include interior ministry and commanders of the Revolutionary Guards in Iranian cities, where protesters have been in the streets since early this year.

Now the question arises: these commanders of the Quds Force, all of whom are designers and, in fact, the heads of regime's assassination

What are they afraid of? Why do they escape from Iran?

Khamenei's answer to his statements, with all his efforts, did not mention the uprising of the people, he acknowledged as the "events of August" along with the January uprising.
And said: "How many years did they bother them to cause that incident, the Iranian nation destroyed within a few days. That is, the year 97, this year, we will re-establish the same events.
It was August, the same cases were a slogan a few days before this August when several crowds gathered. They have to spend money, they are bothering to make an accident, which eventually ends up. "

The meaning of these words dictator is that the Iranian people's uprising is the cause of all the problems the regime faces collapse

عÙ„ÛŒ صفوÛŒ از اعضاØ¡ کÙ…یسیوÙ† خارجÙ‡ شوراÛŒ ملی مقاوÙ…ت ایراÙ†
Ali Safavi with OAN television, one American News

Take note of this TV interview, the reason is well described in this interview

Ali Safavi, members of the National Commission of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), says in a conversation with OAN television, one American News”
“The demonstration you are seeing now is the continuation of the massive general uprising that broke out in 142 cities in December and January”

The television presenter wants Ali Safavi to explain a little about the PMOI:

He says the main Iranian opposition group Mojahedin, in 1965 to achieve democracy in Iran was established, and with the king against the military dictatorship.

Jack Posobiec: Now tell us about the demonstration that is currently taking place in Iran.

What is happening with this demonstration, and why does it happen now?

Ali Safavi: Specifically, the demonstrations you are seeing now are the continuation of the massive general uprising that broke out in 142 cities in December and January last year. And the main reason is obviously the fact that the Iranian regime is not able to handle many of the demands of the Iranian people.

Iran's economy is on the brink of bankruptcy. Therefore, people in the present circumstances are following a regime change.

Why is the regime terrified?

Jack Posobiec: Why is the regime terrified?
Ali Safavi: The regime is terrified because the Iranian people are sufficiently (alert and aware).
In fact, they are 44 million out of 80 million Iranians who use telegram messengers.
The regime tried to close it for a while, and also tried to produce a malicious messenger that was used to collect information from people who are using it.

Where's the money of the people of Iran?

Jack Posobiec: We've seen a lot of money to support Hezbollah's many groups in different countries, but the people of Iran say why money is not spent on our families and our kids? "

Ali Safavi: "Indeed, since the onset of the crisis in Syria, the Iranian regime has spent about $ 100 billion there and spent millions on supporting Hezbollah, in Lebanon. as well as financial assistance and military aid to sectarian militias in Iraq.
It is very important for the international community, for the American government, to be very explicit and to support the demonstration.
The Iranian people see international support for their goals, and an attempt to reject this regime and the oppression of their own people and cause seeds of chaos in the Middle East.
(As a result) they will dare and become more courageous, and that is what we did not see in the Obama administration."

But the final question of this interview is very determinative and the causes and reasons for this fear and terror in the regime and its terrorist sustainers.

Expansion of insurgent centers or rebellious units in Iran

Jack Posobiec: And the last question is, where is this movement going and what is the ultimate goal of the Mojahedin Movement?

Ali Safavi: As I said, the Mojahedin Organization is seeking to replace this regime and is now heavily focused on organizing the demonstration, and is currently focusing specifically on the establishment of insurgent centers. These are groups of men and women who gather together and organize and lead the demonstration.

In the sense that they are trying to bring together all the different components of this opposition all over the country.

The “Tehran news agency” posted a piece on the PMOI/MEK’s resistance unit and also referred to the regime’s increasing internal crisis following the U.S. exiting the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. The piece also acknowledges the fact that the regime’s reformists/principalists deception has come to end as protesting people are calling the mullahs’ hand
Maybe if the reformist governments and those who in recent years are claiming to moderate never existed, and if we hadn’t placed our economy in the hands of the Iran deal and failed negotiations with the ‘Great Satan,’ these days we may not have been witnessing the entire establishment losing its prestige as people continue to protests,” the piece reads in part
The situation becomes even more concerning when a third party enters the scene and robs us of the people’s support,” the post adds.

Young protesters clash with police

This third party… uses its levers, being the ‘resistance units,’ recognize neither principalists nor reformists… over the years the [PMOI/MEK] has gained influence among our youths and now they have become members of their resistance units
What we’re witnessing today is fire engulfing the Iranian regime apparatus throughout the country. If the country’s security forces were provided the green light to take action against the people ‘protesting real shortcomings,’ the PMOI/MEK would never be able to gain such influence in broad daylight throughout the country and do as they wish.”
When such remarks are heard from media outlet linked to the Iranian regime, rest assured senior Iranian regime officials are deeply concerned about the PMOI/MEK’s role in the ongoing protests across the country.
This is more proof of how the PMOI/MEK plays a pivotal role in Iran’s status quo as the main opposition movement providing the sole viable alternative to the mullahs’ regime.


In the context of the impasse in all areas of the sovereignty of the mullahs, the repetition of the term "deadlock" in the speech of Khamenei, incidentally, reflects the fact that his government is in a complete impasse in these areas.

Because if there is no deadlock, it would not be necessary for him to deny all this.


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