Is Iran really ‘the world’s leading state sponsor of terror’?
Mullahs regime survived with entrance or build crises in the Middle East and around the world
by Bahar Mehr 8/16/2018
U.S. House of Representative McClintock, a member of the House Committee of Foreign Affairs, introduced a bill, HR 1034, on July 26 that called for an investigation into the unsuccessful terror plot in Paris on June 30. The terror plot was uncovered by the various European government and led to the arrest of several individuals, including an Iranian diplomat assigned to Vienna.

Tom McClintock
The Belgium authorities arrested a couple that was on their way to the Paris rally of Iranian resistance members and their supporters. The couple was found to have an explosive material and material to ignite the explosion in a makeup container. Both were arrested. Three more individuals were arrested in France and one is being extradited to Belgium.

The Iranian couple arrested in Belgium and the bombing machine
The Iranian resistance event, “Free Iran Rally 2018” was attended by a variety of lawmakers and international leaders, as well as Iranians and members of the public. The event included a speech by Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and was meant to show support for her 10-point plan for the future of Iran.

This is the gas station where the Iranian diplomat was arrested
In other hands, President Trump has Very “clearly” announced that Iran is the world’s “leading state sponsor of terror”.
This is not the first time President Trump has thrown this accusation at Iran. Last year, he said: “The regime remains the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and provides assistance to al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist networks.”

President Trump
If we Look at Middle East history we find this evidences: Iran and Syria, Hezbollah’s foreign sponsors, may hold the key to resolving the violence in Lebanon, or they may play a part in the escalation of the conflict. Syria has received the lion’s share of international attention, but Tehran’s role in supporting Hezbollah and other terrorist groups is also crucial. Even though Iran is hundreds of miles away from Lebanon, it helped nurture Hezbollah in its early years and even today exercises considerable ideological and operational influence.
The Lebanese terrorist organization is the deadliest creation of the clerical regime in Tehran, but it is only one of the many groups that Iran supports. focusing on this picture further, Tehran’s backing of terrorist groups has not changed considerably in the last decade.
The Lebanese terrorist organization is the deadliest creation of the clerical regime in Tehran, but it is only one of the many groups that Iran supports.
America’s annual terrorism report (last published in July 2017) describes Iran as “the foremost state sponsor of terrorism”, adding that “groups supported by Iran maintained their capability to threaten U.S. interests and allies”
Secretary of Defense, James Mattes, and Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, has also made similar statements.
Bill condemns Iran sponsored terror
The bill’s first sentence condemns Iranian state-sponsored terrorism and expresses support for the Iranian people and their desire to have a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Iran.
The authors of the bill acknowledge that U.S. State Department officials have indicated that Iran uses its embassies as cover for terrorist attacks and plots, noting the recent example of the Iranian diplomat assigned to Vienna, but arrested in Germany. He has been charged by German authorities with activity as a foreign agent and conspiracy to commit murder.
HR 1034 also calls for U.S. agencies to work with European allies to identify and bring to justice the Iranian officials behind the attack on the Iranian gathering in Paris. if we back to Iran terror history we find a long list from operations of terror.
For example, you can find this words in Mullah’s regime terror history: After the 1979 Islamic revolution, Tehran used a wide range of terrorist organizations to export its revolution and to assassinate Iranian dissidents around the globe. Tehran played a major role in forming Hezbollah and helping it conduct attacks in Lebanon, including such devastating strikes as the 1983 bombings of the U.S. Marine barracks and embassy, which together killed more than 300 people. Indeed, before 9/11, Hezbollah had killed more Americans than any other international terrorist organization. Iranian-backed groups also regularly attacked dissidents in Europe, countries that backed Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war, and the governments of pro-Western Arab states. Ten years ago, on June 26, 1996, Iranian-backed terrorists exploded a massive truck bomb outside the Khobar Towers military housing project in Saudi Arabia, killing 19 Americans and one Saudi and wounding almost 400.
On the surface, not much seems to have changed with regard to Iran and terrorism in the last 10 years. Today, as the latest round of violence suggests, Israel is the biggest target of Iranian-backed terrorism, with Tehran supporting several Palestinian groups as well as Lebanese Hezbollah. These groups’ attacks against Israel serve three purposes: They support Iranian leaders’ opposition to the existence of the Jewish state; they give Iran prestige in the Muslim world; and by keeping violence alive, they undermine the peace process (admittedly, an easy task these days), which in turn reduces the chances that Iran will be isolated in the Middle East. Mullahs regime survived with entrance or build crises in the Middle East and around the world
Well, do not go away from the issue raised by Congressman;
Acknowledges efforts of Iranian people
The bill, sending a strong message of support to the Iranian resistance, calling for their work to be acknowledged and supported, as they work to create a free Iran. Protests continue throughout the country in response to its economic crisis, as well as the multiple human rights violations.
They also noted that the Iranian resistance wants to abolish Sharia law, which is currently intertwined with Iranian law and has been used to suppress the rights of Iranian people for decades.
The U.S. State Department urged all nations to beware of Iran using its embassies as diplomatic cover for terror activities. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also expressed concern that Iran was using its embassies to plan terrorist acts throughout Europe
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