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Iran: 31 Executions Including 9 Political Prisoners Within 20 Days

Iran: 31 Executions Including 9 Political Prisoners Within 20 Days

Iran: 31 Executions Including 9 Political Prisoners Within 20 Days
On Saturday, September 22, the falling regime of mullahs executed nine prisoners collectively in Adelabad prison in Shiraz. The criminal head of the "Justice" of Fars province had already reiterated that he will deal seriously with those who disturb the order and security of the society.
Thus, the number of executions in the past 20 days amounted to at least 31, most of them young individuals. Nine of them were Kurdish and Balouch political prisoners who were hanged in Gohardasht prison in Karaj, Zahedan, and Orumieh for the fabricated charge of "Moharebeh" [waging war against God] and disturbing the security of the regime. In Gohardasht Prison in Karaj, eight other prisoners were executed collectively on September 5. One prisoner was hanged publicly in Marvdasht.
The hated system of the Velayat-e faqih, being engulfed with domestic and international crises, and incapable of confronting the growing popular protests, has resorted to a new wave of executions and oppression in a bid to escalate the atmosphere of terror and intimidation.
The Iranian Resistance calls on all international human rights advocates, in particular, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, and the Working Group on Arbitrary Executions, to condemn these executions and take immediate action to stop these medieval crimes in the twenty-first century.
Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 22, 2018

Giuliani: U.S. 'Sympathizes' With Attempt to Overthrow Iran's Government

Giuliani: U.S. 'Sympathizes' With Attempt to Overthrow Iran's Government

Lawyer for United States President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, arrives prior to a funeral service for late Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 1, 2018.
Lawyer for United States President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, arrives prior to a funeral service for late Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 1, 2018.
September 23, 2018
(NEW YORK) — Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, told members of Iran’s self-declared government in exile on Saturday that the U.S. sympathizes with their efforts to overthrow that country’s official government.
The former New York mayor spoke to members and supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the biggest opposition group to Iran’s Islamic regime. Two U.S.-based members who joined the gathering have been targeted for assassination by alleged Iranian agents named last month in criminal complaints issued by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.
“So I say to the Iranian government, you must truly be afraid of being overthrown,” Giuliani said. “We will not forget that you wanted to commit murder on our soil.”
After Saturday’s attack on a military parade in Iran that killed more than 20 people, security was tight surrounding more than 1,500 people who came to a midtown Manhattan hotel for the meeting.

High time Iran’s terror activities in Europe are stopped

In retaliation to the recent nationwide uprisings in Iran, the Iranian regime continuously conspires to commit terrorist activities against its opponents in Europe. They see the ever-growing popular protests as a real threat to their stranglehold of the country.
Hundreds of thousands of Iranians in defiance of severe state repercussions attend protests regularly in over 140 cities calling for the overthrow of the Iranian regime. These protests are in response to nearly 40 years of oppression, human rights violations, and corruption that has left millions of Iranians in economic despair.
The Iranian regime’s high-ranking officials have recognized the people’s alternative, the Democratic coalition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) of which the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) is a member, as key organizers of these protests who act at the behest of the will of the Iranian people.
As such, Iran’s primary focus is to eradicate the NCRI and PMOI who are based in Europe. The Iranian regime holds no prejudice as to who they target and how, including supporters, as shown in their recent terrorist attempt in Paris on June 30, 2018, at an NCRI-organized Free Iran Gathering. Their targets included all in attendance such as European MPs, American dignitaries and tens of thousands of Iranians who are also European citizens.
On September 12, 2018, the NCRI in a press conference in London exposed Iran’s terrorist plans and activities in Europe. They identified key members within their chain of command, including Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Hassan Rouhani who hold key roles. Further, Iranian embassies across Europe were identified as terrorist hubs that spy on Iranian dissidents and human rights activists and carry out orders instructed by Tehran.
The NCRI called for urgent action from European governments to prevent Iran from committing terrorism. The Iranian regime is feeling the effects of its unpopularity and now is in a desperate, weakened state, preparing to commit further terrible atrocities so as to hold on to power. Their fear of the organized Resistance, the NCRI, and its growing support supersede their fear of retaliation by European countries as a result of decade-long appeasement policies.

Recent terror plots in Tirana and Paris

Since the Mullah’s hijacked the 1979 Iranian revolution, the regime has based their policies around terrorism so as to impose fear on a nation, cause instability in the region, and eliminate any opponents. 
Although a large proportion of their terrorist activities have been based in the Middle East, there have been several operations in Europe such as the assassination of Kazem Rajavi, a renowned human rights activist in Geneva, Switzerland, in April 1990.
Today, Iran has stepped up its operations in Europe. In March 2018, in Tirana, Albania, Iranian agents attempted to inflict causalities on Iranian political refugees who were in the midst of celebrating the Persian New Year. Two Iranian personnel under the guise of journalists were detained in relation to this foiled terrorist attack, which was confirmed by the US State Department and the Albanian government.
Similarly, in June 2018 Iranian personnel attempted a terrorist attack on a gathering in Paris, France. In addition to tens of thousands of European citizens, nearly 600 parliamentarians and dignitaries from 70 countries around the world were in attendance - including cross-party delegation of members of parliament from the UK and American dignitaries such as Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
The National Council of Resistance of Iran called for urgent action from European governments to prevent Iran from committing terrorism. The Iranian regime is feeling the effects of its unpopularity and now is in a desperate, weakened state, preparing to commit further terrible atrocities so as to hold on to power. Their fear of the organized Resistance, the NCRI, and its growing support supersedes their fear of retaliation by European countries as a result of decade-long appeasement policies
Hossein Abedini

An Iranian ‘diplomat’ in Vienna was arrested in Germany as being responsible for handing over bombs to the two perpetrators in Luxembourg who wished to attack the gathering in France. With the help of German, French and Belgium authorities – the attack was foiled hours before and perpetrators detained.
Most recently, in the United States, two Iranian operatives were arrested on charges of spying and collecting information to carry out a possible terrorist attack. This current new wave of terrorist activities by the Iranian regime should be of high concern to all governments.

Terrorism chain of command

In January 2018, according to information from within Iran, the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) headed by Hassan Rouhani took the decision to carry out the Paris terrorist operation. Other members of the SNSC, include Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Commander of the Quds Force Qassem Soleimani. This plan was later taken to Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader, for final approval.
After the Supreme Leader’s approval, the operation was assigned to a department within Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence Services (MOIS) named Organization of Foreign Intelligence and Movements. This department is responsible for terrorist operations and espionage outside of Iran, including Europe, and is headed by Reza Amiri Moghaddam, a top security official. Moghaddam was directly involved in instructing the Iranian ‘diplomat’ in Vienna, Assadollah Assadi, to execute the Paris operation.
Assadi used the Iranian embassy in Vienna to instruct a sleeper cell of terrorists in Belgium to carry out the attack. He was involved in personally handing over the bombs to the perpetrators, and has been detained since the terrorist plot was foiled, according to a statement by Belgian and German authorities.

Role of Iran’s embassies in Europe

In addition to collecting intelligence, Iranian embassies are used to provide logistics support to terrorists including weapons, explosives, and money. In some instances, assailants have used the embassies to hide after an operation.
With around 30 embassies dotted across Europe, the Iranian regime has created a network to operate effectively in every location. By investigating and closing these embassies, Iran’s threat in Europe can be halted at its source.

Stopping Iran’s terrorist activities

The Mullahs believe the only solution to stopping their overthrow is to strike blows to the organized alternative to its reign and focuses on terrorism and propaganda to do so. For decades, Europe has taken the policy of appeasement in relations with Iran, and the regime intends to use this relationship as an advantage to operate across Europe.
Resorting to tactics of terrorism means that a policy of appeasement and continued diplomatic relations by European governments with Iran is illegitimate and a safety concern for innocent European citizens. Silence to the fact that Iran has plotted attacks in Europe, is tantamount to giving the green flag to the regime in Tehran to continue such terrible activities.
We should not allow the Iranian regime, in its phase of demise, to threaten the lives of Iranian refugees, activists, and opponents.
Therefore, certain urgent and imperative measures should be taken to halt Iran’s activities:
Firstly, without any political considerations or favors, Iran’s terrorists must be prosecuted in European courts instead of extradition to Iran. With regards to the detained terrorists behind the Paris 2018 attack, they must be tried in Belgium where they were detained.
Secondly, Western governments should arrest, try and expel any Iranian intelligence ministry spies and agents and finally all European countries including the UK must shut down and investigate with immediate effect Iran’s centers, and hidden sleeper cells in Europe.
Hossein Abedini is a member of Parliament in exile of the Iranian resistance and belongs to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. He tweets @HoAbedini

Saturday's Iran Mini Report - September 22, 2018

Saturday's Iran Mini Report - September 22, 2018

• Pompeo: Will respond immediately to Iranian actions against our interests
The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday, that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world, stressing that Washington will respond immediately to any Iranian actions against its interests.
“We have told the Iranians that we will immediately respond to any attack from them or their agents on our interests,” Pompeo said.
It is noteworthy that Pompeo confirmed in late August that the Strait of Hormuz is subject to international navigation and that Iran does not control it as it claims.
• Kuwait says will not appoint an ambassador to Tehran until Iran changes policies
While Kuwait has agreed to the new appointment of the Iranian ambassador who will replace Ali Reza Enayati, it reaffirmed on Thursday that it would not appoint an ambassador to Tehran in return until Iran changes its approaches and policies in the region.
Assistant Foreign Minister for Asian Affairs Ali Al-Saeed announced that Kuwait approved the new Iranian ambassador’s nomination, clarifying in response to a question regarding the return of the Kuwaiti ambassador, Magdi al- Dhafiri, to Iran that “the situation will remain as is until Iran changes its policies.”
• Yemen FM: Iran continues with its agenda in the region
Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs, Khaled al-Yamani, said that Iran is continuing its expansion in the region and supporting the Houthi militias in Yemen.
the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Abdullatif bin Rashid al-Zayani, accused the Houthi militias of obstructing the United Nations’ efforts aiming at a political settlement.
• Female journalists and staff of ANA news agency fired altogether
The female journalists of the Iranian ANA news agency were fired on Tuesday, September 18, 2018, only because they are women. An informed source in ANA said.
Most of the female journalists sacked by ANA had more than three years of work experience in the news agency but were fired based on the decision and order by Hassan Karbalaii who has become ANA’s executive director since June 9, 2018.
• Women’s entrance ban in sports stadiums reiterated
A ban on women’s entrance to sports stadiums was once again reiterated by officials on Monday, September 17, 2018, ahead of the Asian League game between Tehran’s Persepolis and Qatar’s Ad-Dahil.
Farhad Nikoo-khesal, the supervisor of the Azadi Stadium in Tehran said, "We have been taking the necessary measures since a month ago so that all spectators would be closely examined before entering the Azadi Stadium."
• Nasrin Sotoudeh’s daughter threatened with denial of prison visits
Nasrin Sotoudeh’s daughter was threatened to be deprived of visiting her mother if she did not observe the veil.
The threat was made on Sunday, September 16, 2018, when Nasrin Sotoudeh’s daughter, Mehraveh Khandan, and her brother had gone to Evin to visit their mother.
Instead of being called to visit her mother, Mehraveh Khandan was threatened by the director of the visiting hall to observe her hijab or she will not be allowed into the visiting hall. This was while she covering was the same as in the previous visitations.
Nasrin Sotoudeh’s husband, Reza Khandan, has also been detained since September 4, 2018, after being arrested by agents of Iran’s Intelligence Ministry.

After Iran’s Failed Terrorist Attack on France soil; France Chooses not Introduce a new Ambassador to Tehran

After Iran’s Failed Terrorist Attack on France soil; France Chooses not Introduce a new Ambassador to Tehran

France will not introduce a new ambassador to Tehran unless the Iranian government has provided Iran with information on its failed terrorist operations in Paris against the gathering of the Mujahideen.
Each failure of the Iranian regime to hit the Mujahideen runs the conditions quickly against the regime and in favor of the alternative.

France no new ambassador to Tehran! if…

In fact, the conditions for the mullahs are worse than bad.

My article first published in The Herald Report
The introduction of the new French ambassador to Tehran has been postponed until the information provided by the Iranian regime. These statements were announced by French authorities on Wednesday, September 19th. The information that the Iranian regime must provide to France is related to a bombing campaign foiled by the Iranian opposition in Paris in June.

From that point on, French relations with the Iranian regime have been affected by this failed terrorist operation against the massive gathering of the PMOI in Paris. Although France has not introduced a new ambassador this summer after his ambassador left Tehran, as the French presidential source stated, the Charge d'Affaires of their embassy in Tehran is at the highest level of negotiation with the Iranian authorities.

The Mullahs government has promised to provide French information in the coming weeks! The continuation of normal relations between France and the Iranian regime depends on providing such information.
However, the "source" of the French presidency did not specify that the failure of the Ambassador to have a direct relationship with the discovery and foil of the terrorist operations of the Iranian regime in Paris. But this lack of clarity, combined with the adoption of diplomatic terms, was offset by a French diplomat who naturally did not have the presidency's limits.

Step by step

The French diplomatic source said the introduction of the new ambassador was actually suspended as a result of the terrorist plan. [Reuters September 18, 2018]

Earlier it was announced that France had urged its diplomats and other staff to travel to Iran with no specific missions and no other travels to Iran.
This decision was followed by the discovery of a terrorist plot of the Iranian regime against the gathering of the PMOI in Paris.

French Foreign Ministry spokesman "Maurice Gordou Montten," wrote in a statement August 20th that "the behavior of Iranian officials has signaled a sharpening of their position vis-à-vis our country, as well as some of our allies."

Any hurry in relations with France can have a broad concept for Iran. France is one of the strongest advocates for maintaining the 2015 nuclear deal, the same as the deal between Iran and the world powers. An agreement that US President Donald Trump pulled out in May.

Iran's economy is under the influence of the tensions stemming from the resumption of US sanctions; the sanctions that ended in the end. European countries, including France, have been pledging to halt economic pressure on Iran, but have been incapable of persuading their companies to confront the US and remain in Iran so far.
The total is leading the withdrawal of European companies from Iran as a major oil and gas company, and French automakers, the PSA and Renault, are worried about Washington's transboundary sanctions.

This reflects the rapid pace of isolation of the mullahs' terrorist regime, which even European partners are no longer able to give up irrefutable evidence of the terrorist acts of this regime.
France, whose commercial companies have had a long history of violating human rights in Iran (due to the cooperation of these companies with the mullahs government, they prolonged this rule, resulting in an increase in the number of Iranian citizens killed by mullahs)
In an internal memo from the French Foreign Ministry, he stressed how France's trust in the rule of Tehran is going away, which is increasingly eroding, even when the French President Emanuel Macron negotiates to maintain peace.
Iran says it has nothing to do with the plan to attack the National Council of Resistance of Iran on June 30th.
Germany arrested an Austrian diplomat based in Austria. Belgium, as the country where the bomb plot was discovered, has requested the extradition of the diplomat.
The French authorities did not provide more details on this issue, but diplomatic sources privately say that if Iran's involvement in this plan is proven, it would be difficult for France to show a strong reaction.

In fact, it is now up to France to document the more direct involvement of the mullahs in this assassination, by which they want to formalize their separation from the mullahs.

But what is the reality?

The ruling dictatorship in Tehran to preserve its survival is the only way to bring a qualitative blow to the PMOI. In this way, the mullahs' intelligence community runs three projects simultaneously:

1. An assassination attempt, especially at the head of the Mojahedin abroad, as early as this summer attempted to employ his diplomat in Austria and activate two terrorist groups in Belgium and France.
Previously, the Iranian regime was attempting to launch a major gathering of Mojahedin at the beginning of the New Year in Tirana aimed at a terrorist attack that had been defeated prior to its execution.

Khamenei knows that in order to survive the regime in the face of the continuing insurrection in the country and the failure of the international appeasement policy should lead to the physical removal of the PMOI leadership.
After the resumption of the uprising, the "finger of the point" of the regime has alluded to the Mojahedin.
From top to bottom, the regime unexpectedly called the Mojahedin "recalling", "organizing" and "guiding" the uprising.
The regime is doing everything in order to achieve this goal, but every time it fails, the situation is doubled against the regime.

2. To launch a campaign aimed at defaming the alternative in Western public opinion, as broadcast in two short reports in Al Jazeera English and British Channel 4

Reports of course, both of which are unwittingly appealing to the audience: A powerful Iranian opposition organization based in Europe is afraid of the mullahs terrorist regime.
And according to the old principle, the enemy of my enemy is my friend
The people of Europe "value" the understanding of the presence of the Mojahedin in European soil

Of course, I must point out that Javad Zarif started sighing after the social networking of Twitter and Facebook and Google blocked the accounts of the mullahs.

3. Identify, arrest and out of centers in the country as engine rebel uprising.

But the most important point is that any failed operations in each of the three following situations rapidly accelerate the situation in favor of the PMOI and against the Iranian regime, except that the failure of the terrorist operation in Paris has led the PMO more than ever to The focus of the regime's relations with France and the international community has been put.

As the regime's end is approaching, this trend is accelerating, as the developments of this year are not comparable with the last month of this month and day.


Iran Regime’s Freefalling Economy

Iran Regime’s Freefalling Economy

Iran Regime’s Freefalling Economy
By Staff Writer
There are only six weeks to go until the second round of US sanctions hits Iran, but already the Iranian economy is spiralling and global economic experts believe that the current Regime will likely fall and soon.
In August, Iran's Central Bank reported that inflation would hit 60% this year, while the rial has hit record lows against the dollar. The unemployment rate amongst their active workforce is approaching 40%, with many university graduates are unable to find a job. Almost a third of the country live in absolute poverty. Even refugees from war-torn Afghanistan are preferring to return home, rather than continue on in Iran.
Struan Stevenson, the coordinator of Campaign for Iran Change, wrote: “Iran's descent into economic chaos can be traced directly to the ruling clerical regime and its tyrannical leader Khamenei. Their policy of aggressive military expansionism across the Middle East has seen them consistently pour men and resources into backing Assad and his murderous civil war, while they have simultaneously driven the genocidal campaign against the Sunni population of neighboring Iraq through their outright support for the brutal Shiia mobilization forces. They have openly financed and supplied the Houthi rebels in Yemen and continue to provide vast funding for the Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon.”
The Iranian uprising, which began in December and quickly spread across the country, is still ongoing. What began as a protest over soaring costs of basic commodities and the failure to pay wages soon became an uprising against the Regime.
After all, the Regime is responsible for the economic crisis that is plaguing Iran. Decades of mismanagement and corruption have led to the Regime leaders raking the benefits or plowing money into their foreign wars and terrorist plots. This means no money to create jobs, fund health care, or provide food to the needy.
In response to the protests, regime leaders have stepped up the repression of their people, arresting protesters in their thousands, torturing some to death, and executing people in public.
US sanctions on Iran will go some way to limiting the amount of money that the Regime can spend on terrorism and domestic suppression. And the sanctions are already working. Sanctions on Iranian oil have yet to go into place, but Iran’s oil exports have dropped by a third since US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged other countries to reduce their purchases to zero.
Stevenson, a former member of the European Parliament and chairman of the EU’s Friends of a Free Iran Intergroup, wrote: “The coordinated nature of the protests has been blamed by the regime on the main organized opposition, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK), which has set up "resistance units" across the country. The PMOI, as part of the political coalition -- the National Council of Resistance of Iran, is the democratic alternative to this theocratic state and offers a future of freedom, justice, democracy, human rights, women's rights, abolition of the death penalty, an end to international terror and aggression and an end to the nuclear threat. It is a vision of such contrast to the current chaos and oppression that young Iranians are willing to risk their lives to bring it about.”
The US should combine these sanctions with support for the Iranian Resistance in order to bring about the downfall of the Regime and the freedom of the Iranian people.

Friday's Iran Mini Report - September 21, 2018

Friday's Iran Mini Report - September 21, 2018

Friday's Iran Mini Report - September 21, 2018
• Iran Protests Supported in New York
Iran protests supported in New York is an Event called by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities (OIAC).
1500 Iranian American delegates and leaders from 40 States will be at the Times Square Hotel this Saturday.
The OIAC’s mandate is to promote human rights and democratic freedoms for Iranians. They believe in a democratic secular government with religious tolerance. The host of this event in New York finds it their goal to coordinate the Iranian-American communities inside the United States towards reaching its mandate.
Present at this important gathering is Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, General James L. Jones, Jr, Bernard Kouchner, and Giulio Terzi. They have all been long supporting actors for Iran’s uprising. The timing of the New York event is perfect as world state powers will arrive for the General Assembly meeting.
• President Trump will speak about Iran, when he addresses the United Nations next week
"It is time for us to have a real discussion [about Iran] and that’s is what you will see the president do when he chairs the Security Council," Nikki Haley told Fox News on September 20.
"It will be the most watched Security Council meeting ever, I'm sure," she added.
Trump will address the General Assembly's 193 member nations at the official opening on September 25 and the next day chair a Security Council meeting focusing on Iran, nonproliferation, and chemical weapons attacks in Syria and Britain.
“With Iran, he does not think we should turn away. He does not think we should let our focus go away. He thinks they’re dangerous. He thinks there are issues, and he thinks the international community has to take that into account,” she told Fox.
• IRAN OIL CRISIS: Japan and India BLOCK Iran oil loading ahead of US sanctions
JAPAN’s oil refiners have temporarily halted Iranian oil loadings ahead of U.S. sanctions and are buying alternatives as it remains unclear whether Japan will receive an exemption, the head of the country's refinery association said on Thursday.
India's Chennai Petroleum will also stop processing Iranian crude oil from October to keep its insurance coverage once new sanctions by the sanctions go into effect, three sources familiar with the issue said.
The US has demanded that nations cut all their Iranian oil imports when sanctions on the country's petroleum sector over Tehran's nuclear programme are re-imposed on November 4.
• Four women arrested in Shiraz for their faith
Four women have been arrested in Shiraz, south-central Iran, because of their faith.
One of the four women, Nora Pourmoradian, a Baha'i resident of Shiraz, was arrested on September 16, 2018, by agents of the Department of Intelligence and transferred to the department’s Detention Center.
In a brief telephone call following her arrest, Nora Pourmoradian, told her family that she is being held in the Detention Center (No. 100) of the Department of Intelligence.
Also, the intelligence agents told her family that she would be informed of her charges on the next day.
Another one of the four women arrested in Shiraz is Ms. Soudabeh Haghighat who was also arrested on Sunday night, September 16, 2018, at her home while her family and relatives were preparing for the funeral of her grandmother.

Germany companies leading the way in departure of business from Iran

Germany companies leading the way in departure of business from Iran

By Mahmoud Hakamian
U.S. President Donald Trump has made it very clear that he is going to make it very difficult for foreign countries to do business with Iran.
Since announcing that the United States was exiting the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, a number of companies have been pulling out of business with Iran for fear of getting caught up in the sanctions that the administration announced would be re-imposed.
The administration warned foreign companies to make the most of the winding-down period to avoid risking secondary sanctions. Many large and medium-sized companies in Germany – hundreds of them - are at risk of getting caught in the crosshairs.
German exports to Iran grew by 27 percent when the Iran nuclear deal was agreed in 2015. It is estimated that last year German exports to Iran totaled around $4.2 billion.
The European Union, eager to keep the nuclear deal in place and looking to keep business in Iran, and also on Iran’s request to take action, scrambled to update a Blocking Statute that would give EU companies doing business with Iran protection from the U.S. sanctions.
European leaders tried to persuade Trump not to re-impose the sanctions, or at least to grant waivers for the EU-based companies. Trump wouldn’t budge.
Germany said that it would help German companies stay in Iran and last week Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that the country was working with the United Kingdom and France to develop a payment system that would allow business to continue even after the U.S. sanctions came into effect. However, a number of German companies have already started to wind-down business or at least scale it down. Others have already withdrawn.
German giant Volkswagen has all but pulled out of business with Iran except where it can be done as a “humanitarian exception”. Last summer it announced it was going to return to selling cars in Iran for the first time in 17 years. These plans have now been scrapped.
German Commerzbank has announced that it no longer deals with customers in Iran and major plane manufacturer Airbus has said it is going to analyze the company’s future in Iran against the effects of U.S. sanctions.
Insurance company Allianz has also said that it is looking into all business related to Iran and that it will start developing plans for the wind-down. Dürr, an automotive supplier, stopped transacting with Iran last month
Observers and analysts believe that most European companies are going to leave Iran in the next month or so. The United States’ financial system is one of the most powerful in the world and even if EU companies get protection from the sanctions, most do not want to take the chance.
All these companies leaving Iran will have a major impact on the Iranian economy – the exact consequence that Trump was aiming for. The Iranian regime is under immense pressure from several angles, including domestic pressure in which the people of Iran have expressed their desire for regime change.

The collapse of the strategic depth of the Iranian regime in Iraq to Syria and Yemen

The collapse of the strategic depth of the Iranian regime in Iraq to Syria and Yemen

My article first published in The Herald Report

One of the indicators of the ruling regime in Iran is the interference in the countries of the region and the issuance of terrorism and the creation of insecurity in these countries with the slogan of the mullahs issued by the issuance of the revolution, which has always been mentioned by the political and military leaders of the regime as the strategic depth of the system.
But developments over the past few weeks have been indicative of the collapse of the power of the clerical regime and its "mercenaries" in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
In the present article, I briefly examine the situation in these three countries and the impact on the regime's presence.


After the burning of the regime's consulate in Basra by the angry people, the regime attributed it to the United States and Saudi Arabia in its domestic propaganda, but the regime's congressional council in Basra, who was also on the scene, and Iraqi regime's ambassador in Iraq, could not say so, and eventually said, "We do not accuse anyone and group of people to be investigated."
The fear of losing control of Shiites in Iraq was such that the regime and its government launched a military rule in Basra and, as Walid Phares  said, the regime and militias have supported the ten armies to suppress the people of Basra

But we noticed that the youth and the people of Basra once again resumed their protest rallies

The regime is very worried about its hegemony in Iraq
As an example, Alireza Panahian, a Khaleeji mullah, referring to the regime's dramatic program for Arbaeen expressed concern over the disruption and said: "Our task in Muharram 97 (Iranian year), conflict with those who create differences between us." or Kazemi Qomi, the former regime's ambassador to Iraq on September 11th, told the regime's TV: " It is possible that we will witness such attacks against the interests of the Islamic Republic. "

Interestingly, both developments in Iraq are very similar to the social movement in Iran, and the regime's reactions to these protests are just as similar to what is being said about the protests in the cities of Iran.


Over the past days - massive protests have taken place in various parts of the province of Idlib, a protesting crowd in the recent days of the Idlib demonstration that was remarkable.
After this, resisting the crimes of the Mullahs and Assad regime with the participation of Russia in the mass killing of the people, following the anti-humanist approach to the burned land.
Many political circles in the world believed that the resistance in Syria had come to an end and that it would leave empty resistance after the attack on the Syrian land of Idlib.

But these massive mass protests and radical slogans, "We neither negotiate nor go short, the criminal Bashar al-Assad must go"; many of the minds have changed, and the sound that seemed to no longer come to pass, the beginning of some The developments have followed

In the seven countries, a small group (including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt) which was formed in recent days in connection with the Syrian issue Al-Assad's alleviation of power and the interruption of his relations with Tehran have been emphasized.

One of the concerns expressed by the government newspaper, the "Islamic Republic", has been evident in the government's "Islamic Republic" paper, which states: "Opponents who have no longer had to lose, but by adopting contentious positions, as if they were victorious in the field War, they want to impose their own terms on everyone. »
Then, on the outcome of the demands of the Syrian resistance, he says: "By reviewing the conditions of the adversaries and the terrorists, one can better understand what the case is. Syria must cut off its relations with Iran and Iranian troops will leave Syria. Bashar al-Assad will withdraw from power "


In Yemen, we are seeing new developments over the course of three years during the war, although nothing has been said about the content of the Houthi talks.
But the scene on the ground in Yemen as well as on the scene of the negotiation and composition of the participating countries also shows the regime's lowering of the balance of power over Yemen.
The announcement of the US government's position of full support for the Arab coalition in Yemen is a transformation.
Also, the White House warns that if the United States considers the clerical regime responsible for any action that threatens US interests in Yemen and of course, it has already been emphasized on Iraq, in which case it will show a quick and decisive response.


In order to conclude this review, it is better to look more closely at the domestic, regional and international conditions in which the regime is located:

Within Iran, the severity and risk of explosive conditions are felt more than ever on the diet.
A sample of "Akhund Saeedi prayed in Qom Friday said: Pessimism to the Revolutionary Guards Corps and defensive activities of the Revolutionary Guards Pessimism to the government to the parliament to the judiciary institutions to the revolutionary foundations is a very dangerous thing."
"Hussein Kamali, a minister of Rafsanjani's government, said," If the people's demand for change does not pay attention to the risk of violent changes, Iran's society will move towards radical approaches. "

From the point of view of international pressure, the regime is on the verge of passing through three decisive timeframes.

Security Council meeting September 26 to address regional interference of the regime one day after Rouhani's speech at the General Assembly
The AFTF deadline for October 1 is to transfer the regime from the gray list to the blacklist, which is the consequence of the complete amputation of the regime's banking system.

U.S. policy to deny Iran oil revenue is an existential threat to the survival of the Islamic Republic. And Washington is doing it through a Reagan-like economic warfare toolbox.

Iran’s oil exports are down sharply since the beginning of August as big buyers like China and India curtail their purchases in anticipation of U.S. sanctions. The Islamic Republic’s crude sales dropped by 600,000 barrels to 1.68 million barrels per day (b/d) in the first half of August, a 20% decrease from the same time in July. Exports are down a whopping 62% since May, when Iranian oil sales reached a record 2.7 million b/d.

The falloff marks the fourth straight month of declining exports for the Islamic Republic, which coincides directly with President Donald Trump’s May 8th withdrawal from JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), also known as the Iran Deal. The termination of the U.S.-Iran agreement means a re-imposition of sanctions that the United States lifted two years ago. The end of sanction relief will come in two stages, the first of which began on August 7th.  These include restrictions on the following

  • Iran’s purchase of U.S. currency;
  • Iran’s trade in gold and other precious metals; and
  • the sale to Iran of auto parts, commercial passenger aircraft, and related parts and services
The second and more significant stage will come into effect on November 4th, wherein sales of oil, gas, and refined petroleum products will be restricted. Iran’s petroleum sector is the heart of its economy: in 2016 Iranian crude sales were valued at $36 billion.  Countries (specifically their central banks) which continue to buy oil and petroleum products from Iran after the deadline may be subject to secondary sanctions, greatly limiting their ability to do business in and with the U.S.

Yes more importantly, on November 4, the start of oil and banking sanctions began in the regime, which saw the situation as a bachelor like Zebaclam, causing the regime's breathlessness, the "economic chaos that brought the system to its knees", to the negotiating table.
And now add the regional conditions as described, see what the regime will be.
All of this, in a word, is a clear indication of the regime's "end-of-life".


Meet the MEK: Iranian freedom fighters working to effect regime change

Meet the MEK: Iranian freedom fighters working to effect regime change

In this Friday, Sept. 7, 2018 file photo, protesters burn an Iranian flag after storming and burning the Iranian consulate building in Basra, Iraq.  (AP Photo/Nabil al-Jurani, File) **FILE**
In this Friday, Sept. 7, 2018 file photo, protesters burn an Iranian flag after storming and burning the Iranian consulate building in Basra, Iraq. (AP Photo/Nabil al-Jurani)

 - Washington Times- Wednesday, September 19, 2018
On a recent business trip to Albania, I was invited to visit the new camp of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, or the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), still being built about 45 minutes outside of Tirana, on the way to the Albanian coast. I accepted the invitation, although I must admit, I had no idea what to expect upon reaching the sprawling facility which is the new home for approximately 3,200 of the Iranian resistance movement’s personnel, after being forced out of Iraq by violence from the Iranian-backed government.
I want to write more about the group and its agenda in the near future, but today I just want to explore what I found at ‘Ashraf 3’, which is the name the MEK has given the new camp, after the first Ashraf on the Iraqi border, where the group launched raids into Iran almost two decades ago.
With the Trump administration pulling out of the so-called Iran deal, the MEK has been given new hope in its push for regime change in the Islamic Republic of Iran. With the new sanctions biting, in combination with the consequences of the corrupt regime’s incompetent management, civil unrest is rampant across the country. The MEK sees a real chance to force regime change from inside Iran, without needing the use of expensive and already overextended American military force.
With the eventual fall of the mullahs, the MEK wants to finally install a democracy. It was against this backdrop that I visited Ashraf 3 in Albania.
The camp has been quite controversial, primarily due to the regime’s view of the MEK as an existential threat. This has caused the mullahs to act out in reckless ways to counter what it sees as its real opposition, even if it is all the way in Albania. This has resulted in a foiled bomb attempt at the Free Iran Gathering 2018 in Paris last June, where an Iranian diplomat was arrested, and the recent arrest and indictment of two Iranian spies in Washington, D.C., looking to target resistance officials in the United States.
Iranian intelligence agents have been active in Albania, recruiting former MEK members for propaganda purposes and attempting to stain the reputation of the group within the eyes of Albania’s people.
The car picked me up at the hotel in Tirana and we made the 45-minute drive out to the camp. The conversation was pleasant enough and we even stopped for some local fruit along the way. But security was very tight. I noticed that there were two cars always together whenever we left the camp over the two-day visit.
A local security firm was guarding the location, with perimeter defense and car inspections as you entered the gates, where the two MEK lion mascots guard the entrance.
The camp is very large, and in various phases of construction. The group has done remarkably well in such a short period of time to recreate what they had left in Iraq. There is everything you would expect in a small city — lodging, food service, assembly halls, administrative buildings.
In a short amount of time, I was introduced to the leadership of the group in Albania and we sat around a table in one of the new buildings to get acquainted. What struck me initially was the openness that I encountered. Multiple attempts at journalistic hit pieces had culminated in a recent drone flyover by an adversarial newsgroup from the UK, most likely funded by someone who doesn’t want the MEK to be successful in its quest.
As the members of the camp knew that I had promised to keep an open mind, I was met most graciously. I asked many questions during my two-day visit. All of the questions were answered in-depth, sometimes with other members being brought in to give a more detailed and complete answer. I was not prevented from seeing or requesting anything. I asked about life at the camp, those who had left the movement, even about the MEK’s alleged involvement in the Iranian Hostage Crisis decades before. All questions were met with complete answers.
In fact, I was given a tour of the camp. The facilities are very functional, if not somewhat barren. With the MEK children having been brought out of Iraq to Europe and America in the last decade, the remaining adult members are all mostly older, although I did meet scores of a new generation of MEK, male and female, some of whom were in the group of children who were evacuated from Iraq in 2009, only to join the MEK later in life. Many signed up in their relatives’ footsteps, to keep alive their struggle against the regime.
With the tour, I was exposed to the robust cooking capabilities that have been built. I toured the medical facility which has a good amount of equipment and staff, trying to their best with limited resources. Many patients were in various phases of medical treatment as I walked from room to room.
In addition to being exposed to many of the day-to-day locations members would frequent, I also had the chance to talk and interview probably 50 members from all walks of life within the movement. Some of the older, original members were provided, as well as the youngest. They all had their own unique story of what led them to join. Many had violence perpetrated on their loved ones by the regime. Many had family members executed. Many had simply given up hope of a decent life in Iran and now had committed themselves to bring regime change for future generations.
Many pundits have described the MEK as a cult. I would describe it as a fanatically committed group of individuals who have given their lives for an idea: a free Iran. Each and every one of them spoke about their people, and how they wanted a better life for the Iranian population. This was especially prevalent among the young men and women I met, many who had scars and wounds from the violence at Ashraf, or even within Iran itself. Many had a deep sense of loss and pain from their dealings with the regime-murder, assault, deceit, torture. Their overriding principle was to prevent future generations of Iran from having to go through the same horrific experiences.
The idea of freedom is a powerful one and permeated throughout Ashraf 3. It is utmost on everyone’s mind. It is something bigger than themselves. Most of the people I met were highly intellectual and successful in their previous lives. They could have been living anywhere in the West, but they chose, at a personal sacrifice, to join this movement. The younger members know nothing but the regime and are hellbent on destroying it. I saw a remarkable level of focus and determination. All of the members of the group had a job to do and were singularly focused on its completion.
Each person I spoke with knew exactly why and for what he or she was fighting for and why they had given up so much of their own lives to fight the regime.
Albania has nothing to fear from this group. I did not see any weapons or military training. They want to become good citizens of Albania and to build a life in the former communist country. In fact, it is the MEK who has to be worried about violence. The regime has shown it will stop at nothing to destroy them. Iranian Ministry of Intelligence agents is active in Albania. They are the ones the Albanian public has to fear, not the people in the camp.

There has been much disinformation purposefully spread about the PMOI/MEK. I hope to confront most of it by writing from personal experience from my interactions with the Iranian resistance. This is the first of many reports on the subject.

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